Ecommerce Photography

Let us help your brand tell your story

We’re a boutique eCommerce photography studio based in central London. We’re passionate about creating stunning images that make an impact and increase your sales.

Our Promise to you

Ecommerce photography with less hassle

We get it. You’re busy. You have better things to do than deal with an agency, so we offer a simpler solution.

Are you a fashion designer or an eCommerce merchant or anyone else that depends on selling your eCommerce product online? You know then the most crucial thing that will sell your merchandise, is excellent ecommerce photography!


Years in the business


Photoshoots completed

Our Portfolio

Click To View Our Galleries

We love creating beautiful imagery for small businesses and individuals.

Our Process

1. You send it – we shoot it

We make the process as easy as possible – and it’s our policy to always deliver at an affordable price without cutting corners

2. In house retouching

We guarantee your final shot is precisely what you need, including; colour correction, white cutouts, drop shadows & reflection

3. Quick Turnaround

Turn Around time is 7 business days once we receive the product. Rush Turn Around time is 3 business days from the time we receive the product

All Inclusive Photos

The best images are those that leave an impression. Images that are crisp, clear and well-lit make a lasting impression on the viewer and contribute to higher conversion rates.

Every Picture Is A Hero Image

Every picture we take is guaranteed to make your product pop and make a powerful impact

High Resolution 4000px+ High Quality Images

Every product is carefully lit and shot on an amazing high resolution camera

World Wide Usage Forever

You are free to use the images on your website, marketing material and social media with no time limits

Reasonable Re-shoot Policy

If you tell us clearly how to photograph your product and we don’t do it that way, we’ll redo it for free

You’re losing money because of poorly shot photos

Increase Sales

Great images have been proven to drive up sales and increase profit. Customers are naturally drawn to the content we create for our clients because it’s well laid out, beautifully lit and edited to an impeccable standard. You also have social media platforms and a website that are active and require fresh content. 

Remain Consistent

When displaying hundreds of images, it’s fundamental that your photographs look consistent in quality, and how they’ve been shot. No one wants to purchase your products or services due to ugly photos. A lack of story, poor composition and bad lighting can all have an adverse impact on your brand or business.


However, working with a photographer is similar to any other kind of professional relationship. The individual becomes a business partner of yours; your photographer is the person who will help you communicate your brand visually and grow your business. 

How We Can Help
You’ve been struggling to find the right photographer for youronline shop

If your company is an accessories brand, you might want to get a stylist to work with who can bring in a wardrobe that highlights your accessories. You just want to ensure that the clothing doesn’t take away attention from your accessories in the pictures due to poor planning for the wardrobe. If you use a prop stylist, allow money for a stylist’s day rate and expenses incurred for obtaining the props.

We Can supply the following:

  • eCommerce Photographer
  • Photography Photo Studio
  • Models
  • Hair Stylist
  • Makeup Artist
Ready to Start?

Get In Touch

124 City Road
London, EC1V 2NX

Monday – Friday 9AM To 9PM
Saturday – Sunday 9AM To 9PM

Tel: 0207 916 2552

© Copyright EyeMedia Studios | All Rights Reserved

The Ultimate Guide To Ecommerce Photography Techniques And Tools

Are you struggling to capture the perfect image for your online shop? Good photos can boost sales. This guide will show you all the tricks and tools you need to snap stunning product pictures that attract customers.

Understanding Ecommerce Photography

Understanding E-Commerce Photography involves comprehending the importance of quality images in online retail and recognising different types of e-commerce photography, such as white backgrounds, lifestyle, product packaging, close-ups, and group shots.

Key tools for e-commerce photography include cameras with suitable lenses, tripods, lighting equipment, including reflectors to enhance natural light or shadows, and photo editing software for post-processing.

Definition of e-commerce photography

E-commerce photography is all about taking pictures of products to sell online. These photos help show off the items in a way that grabs customers’ attention. Good eCommerce images play a significant role in making people want to buy things.

This type of photography uses various techniques and tools, like cameras, lighting, and photo editing software, to ensure each product looks its best.

Taking great product pictures can make or break an online store. High-quality images increase sales by making everything clear and appealing to shoppers. To achieve this, photographers often work in specially set-up studios, where they control the light and surroundings to highlight the product’s features perfectly.

They use professional cameras, lenses designed for clarity, and tripods for steady shots. After capturing these images, photo-editing programmes such as Adobe Photoshop help polish them before they go live on an e-commerce site.

Importance of quality e-commerce photography

Quality e-commerce photography makes your products look great. It builds trust with shoppers and shows the professionalism of your brand. Clear, high-quality photos present details and features clearly, encouraging customers to buy.

Good product photography boosts conversion rates. It shapes how people see your brand, making it stand out in a crowded market. High-end images reflect on your business success.

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in ecommerce.

Types of Ecommerce Photography

When it comes to e-commerce photography, there are different types of approaches you can take to showcase your products effectively. Using various techniques can help highlight the features and details of your items.

For example, utilising white background photography, lifestyle photography, or close-up shots can provide diverse perspectives for potential customers on your e-commerce platform.

White background photography

White background photography makes product images look clean and professional. This style is perfect for eCommerce because it clearly shows the item without distractions. You’ll need artificial lights to keep the lighting even in all your shots.

Make sure to properly adjust your camera’s settings like shutter speed, aperture, ISO, white balance, and lens focus distance. Shooting in RAW format lets you get the best quality pictures that are easy to edit later.

After taking white background photos, you might want to touch them up to make them look even better. Many people choose to do this editing themselves with software like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop.

But if doing it yourself seems harsh, some professionals can help enhance your photos for a small fee. The main goal is always to produce images as close as possible to how you want the final product to appear online.

Lifestyle photography

Lifestyle photography lets brands show their products in real-life situations. This method is key for making creative and engaging photos. It helps customers imagine using the items in their own lives.

Brands use this style to make their e-commerce sites more appealing.

This type of photography often needs different settings, like homes or outdoors, to capture the product in use. Professional photographers know how to make these scenes look natural and inviting.

They choose places and props that match what they are trying to sell, making lifestyle images powerful tools for online shops.

Product packaging photography

Shifting from lifestyle images, product packaging photography grabs attention too. This type of photography shows your product’s packaging clearly and appealingly. Good lighting plays a key role here.

Natural window light can make these photos look stunning.

Modern smartphone cameras, tripods, and reflectors help take top-notch pictures of the packaging. Experimenting with props adds interest to these shots. It makes customers want to buy what you’re selling.

The package is just as important as what’s inside it.

This kind of photography boosts your ecommerce business by making products irresistible online.

Close-up or zoom photography

Close-up or zoom photography shows every detail of a product. This type is key for online stores to display the features and quality of items. To get sharp images up close, you should use a camera with a macro lens.

It helps customers see what they are buying.

Don’t rely too much on editing photos after taking them for best results. Aim to capture the perfect shot while you are shooting. Use good lighting and adjust your camera settings correctly.

This approach makes sure your product looks its best right from the start.

Group shots

Group shots show multiple products together. They help customers see how items fit as part of a collection. You can use different backgrounds to make these photos more interesting.

This way, you show your brand’s style and how each product relates to others.

Using group shots in your e-commerce store can also save space. Instead of taking many single photos, one picture can cover several products. Make sure each item is clear and well-lit.

Try soft light to keep shadows soft and details sharp. Group shots are vital for selling more by simultaneously showing off a range of products.

Essential Tools for Ecommerce Photography

Select the right camera for high-quality images.

Position your product under optimum lighting.

Use reflectors to enhance light and reduce shadows.

Camera selection

Choosing the right camera is vital for taking great ecommerce product photos. You can use a modern smartphone camera and still get professional results. This choice helps you show your product in the best light.

Make sure your device, whether a DSLR or a smartphone, has a good lens. A prime lens often works well for this work. It lets you take sharp pictures that make your products stand out online.

Good equipment makes your e-commerce business look its best.


Transitioning from camera selection, a solid tripod is crucial for photography stability. Using a modern smartphone camera with the steady support of a reliable tripod ensures focus, stabilisation, and consistency in shots.

It’s especially beneficial when working with low apertures and slow shutter speeds, which demand maximum stability. A reflector can also bounce light onto the subject and enhance product detailing.

A handy tip for taking professional product photos includes using a modern smartphone camera mounted on a sturdy tripod and employing a reflector to manipulate light direction onto the subject, contributing to enhanced visual appeal through improved lighting techniques.

Lighting equipment

Lighting equipment is essential for creating well-lit product images. Natural window light can produce soft shadows, while artificial lights, such as two identical softbox setups, are also effective.

It’s crucial to document specifications for future shoots.


Reflectors are crucial for e-commerce photography. They bounce light onto the subject, enhancing the overall lighting. They also help to soften harsh light and modify shadows, contributing to better product images.

Available in various shapes, sizes, and colours, reflectors facilitate different lighting effects based on specific needs and desired outcomes of the product shot. Utilising reflectors strategically can significantly impact the visual appeal of ecommerce product images without hefty investments in lighting equipment.

In product photography, proper placement and manipulation of reflectors can significantly improve the quality of images by manipulating light effectively. Reflectors provide a cost-effective solution for achieving high-quality product photos by controlling and shaping natural or artificial light sources.

Photo editing software

Photo editing software is crucial in post-production, offering tools for enhancing and refining product images. Adobe Lightroom is a popular choice for batch processing and colour correction, ensuring consistency across the e-commerce product photos.

Meanwhile, Photoshop “Actions” can record edits and apply them to future images, maintaining a uniform look throughout the product catalogue.

In addition to sharpening images and adjusting white balance, brightness, contrast, and colour saturation, photo editing software allows users to streamline their workflow by efficiently managing image files.

Setting Up Your Ecommerce Photography Studio

Setting up your studio requires careful planning and product consideration. The arrangement of lights, props, and backdrops plays a vital role in capturing stunning ecommerce images.

You can elevate your product photography to impress potential customers with the proper setup.

Studio arrangement

Arrange your eCommerce photography studio with a sturdy table for product placementample space for lighting and shooting, and a straight white background. Position the table near a window to benefit from natural light as it creates soft shadows.

Use reflectors to enhance lighting and minimise harsh shadows on your products.

Ensure the camera is easily accessible and adjustable on a tripod at the right height and angle for capturing shots efficiently. Place lighting equipment strategically to illuminate the products without creating unwanted glares or dark spots.

Light positioning

The positioning of light is crucial for achieving consistent, high-quality images in your e-commerce photography studio. Well-placed lighting reduces the need for reshooting and ensures uniformity across your product photos.

It’s essential to document specific details of how the lights are positioned, mainly when using artificial light, to replicate successful lighting setups for future shoots. Remember that proper light positioning directly impacts the overall quality of your e-commerce product images.

How you position your lighting can significantly influence the outcome of your product images, ensuring they are visually appealing and suitable for showcasing products on e-commerce platforms.

Product Styling

Product styling involves experimenting with various props, angles, and compositions to add context and bring out the best in your product photos. You can create visually appealing images that resonate with your target audience by carefully selecting props that complement your products and exploring different compositions.

Adjusting the camera angle and using creative compositions can help highlight the unique features of your products. Additionally, utilising different backgrounds for product styling can provide a fresh perspective and enhance the overall appeal of your product photos.

Next up: Ecommerce Photography Techniques

E-commerce Photography Techniques

When capturing product images, experiment with various backgrounds to find the most appealing setting for your items. Use natural light sources and adjust to multiple angles to achieve optimal results.

Capturing from multiple angles

Ecommerce photography involves capturing products from various angles. This includes taking shots from the top, sides, and back to showcase product details. Experimenting with multiple angles provides a comprehensive product view, enhancing customer understanding and confidence when purchasing.

Utilising different viewpoints also helps create visually appealing images that stand out on e-commerce platforms. This gives potential customers a complete look at the product, helping them make informed decisions.

Understanding how to capture from multiple angles is vital for presenting products in the best possible light and maximising their appeal to online shoppers.

Adjusting to the natural light source

Adapt your eCommerce photography to natural light, such as the gentle shadows cast during golden hours and overcast days. This type of lighting creates a soft, flattering effect on product images.

Embrace the changing natural light conditions to capture diverse and appealing shots.

Craft your e-commerce photography to harmonise with natural light sources like golden hours. These will produce soft shadows for an alluring effect in product images. Use the varying light conditions of overcast days to capture diverse and captivating shots.

Experimenting with different backgrounds

When adjusting to natural light source techniques, it’s essential to consider experimenting with different backgrounds for your e-commerce photography. This can help create a diverse and visually engaging product catalogue.

Besides conveying emotions and styles, using various backgrounds also highlights the product. Simple and clean backdrops are widely preferred for ecommerce product images as they bring focus to the product. At the same time, natural lighting combined with different backgrounds can lend a more authentic look to the photos.

Using a tic-tac-toe grid for frame perfection

When capturing flat lay or diagonal shots for e-commerce product photography, employing a noughts and crosses grid helps achieve frame precision. This technique involves mentally dividing the image into nine equal sections using two horizontal and two vertical lines intersecting at four points.

By aligning critical elements of the product along these lines or at their intersections, the composition becomes balanced and visually appealing, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the photograph.

Using noughts and cross grids is particularly beneficial when creating still-life photography for e-commerce products such as jewellery, clothing, accessories, and small items.

Choosing appropriate props

Transitioning from the precision of using the tic-tac-toe grid for frame perfection, selecting suitable props is crucial in e-commerce photography. Props should accentuate products without overshadowing them by complementing their intended use and aligning with the brand’s image.

Careful selection of versatile props plays a vital role in enhancing product images, effectively telling a story or highlighting key features. Experimentation with different props and arrangements can lead to visually appealing options that boost desirability and maintain focus on the main products.

Post-Photography Process

After capturing stunning product photos, the next step involves meticulous editing and compressing image files before publishing. This includes color correction, file naming, and photo-editing software to enhance the visuals.

Editing photos

Post-production editing for e-commerce photography involves sharpening and adjusting white balance, brightness, contrast, and colour saturationAdobe Lightroom is often used for batch processing and colour correction.

Photoshop “Actions” can be recorded and applied to future images for consistent editing. To avoid loss, it’s essential to save the original, large edited, and smaller web-ready versions of each image with specific file naming and labelling.

Adobe Lightroom is often used for batch processing in post-production eCommerce photography editing—it includes colour correction capabilities, too. Simultaneously, Photoshop ‘Actions’ are frequently employed to maintain consistency across edits on different photos.

Compressing image files before publishing

After editing photos, compressing image files before publishing is crucial for quick loading on e-commerce platforms. Image optimization is needed to balance quality and page load speed, aiding the overall user experience on an e-commerce website.

Compressed image files reduce webpage loading time, impacting bounce and conversion rates. This critical step in the post-photography process improves product images’ performance on an e-commerce website.

High-quality ecommerce photography increases conversion rates and develops a brand’s visual identity, while compressed images enhance user experience by reducing wait times when browsing products online.

Professional Ecommerce Photography: When to Consider

Professional e-commerce photography enhances brand identity and increases consumer trust.

It ensures consistent, high-quality imagery, elevating your products above the competition.

Advantages of professional quality

Professional-quality e-commerce photography offers significant advantages for businesses. High-quality images not only enhance a brand’s visual identity but also instil confidence in potential customers, leading to increased conversion rates.

Consistent, professional-grade photos help businesses save time and money by minimising the need for reshooting and streamlining the product showcasing process. Leveraging professional photography services such as packshot and model photography can propel e-commerce websites to stand out amidst competition and effectively communicate the value of their products.

Using top-notch camera lenses, lighting equipment, and post-photography editing software ensures every product is captured with meticulous detail, elevating the overall customer experience.

Importance of consistent editing

Consistent editing maintains a professional brand image. Final images should align with the desired result, reducing reliance on post-production editing. Post-production work can be outsourced or done in-house using various tools and software.

Ecommerce Photography FAQs

How do you photograph products for e-commerce? Discover top tips to elevate your e-commerce photography and learn about the benefits of high-quality e-commerce photography.

How to photograph products for ecommerce?

To capture stunning product images for ecommerce, secure a quality camera or smartphonetripod, and proper lighting. Arrange the studio with a white background and use reflectors to bounce light onto items.

Experiment with angles and props to style the shots creatively.

When photographing products for e-commerce, it’s essential to position them in natural light sources while capturing them from various perspectives. Consider using window light for soft shadows and editing software for the final touches.

Top ecommerce photography tips

When taking e-commerce product photos, natural lighting can significantly enhance the quality of the images. Experiment with different angles and backgrounds to find the most appealing presentation for your products.

Additionally, consider hiring a professional photographer if you’re seeking high-quality and consistent editing for your ecommerce photography.

Remember that setting up a studio for ecommerce product photography involves specific tools such as reflectors, tripods, and appropriate camera selection. It’s not merely about taking pictures but creating images that showcase the product effectively while ensuring high visual appeal.

Benefits of high-quality ecommerce photography

Implementing high-quality e-commerce photography significantly boosts customer trust and confidence in the product. This subsequently leads to increased conversion rates and sales, ultimately contributing to business growth.

Detailed and accurate product images help customers make informed purchasing decisions while reducing return rates. Notably, proper camera settings and documentation ensure consistent photos, minimising the need for reshooting and saving valuable time and resources.

Moreover, opting for different image quality settings, such as shooting in RAW format, provides the highest quality files for editing and post-production processing. These practices can notably enhance brand reputation, improve customer satisfaction, and drive better engagement on online platforms.


Mastering e-commerce photography techniques and tools is the key to captivating your audience and boosting sales. From setting up your studio with essential tools like a camera, tripod, and lighting equipment to experimenting with different types of product photography, there’s a wide range of skills to explore.

The ultimate goal? To create high-quality images that showcase your products and entice customers to purchase. So, whether you’re just starting or looking to elevate your online store’s visual appeal, honing your ecommerce photography expertise is an investment well worth making.

Q: What is e-commerce photography?

A: E-commerce photography involves taking professional photos of products to showcase them online for sales purposes.

Q: Why is product photography important for e-commerce?

A: Product photography is crucial for e-commerce. It helps showcase products in a visually appealing way, which can attract customers and drive sales.

Q: How can I find the right photographer for my product photos?

A: To find the right photographer for your product photos, look for professionals with experience in product photography and a portfolio that aligns with your brand aesthetic.

Q: What are some tips for product photography?

A: Some product photography tips include using proper lighting, choosing the right background, focusing on details, and editing images for a polished look.

Q: What is packshot photography?

A: Packshot photography focuses on capturing product images against a plain background to highlight the product without distractions.

Q: How can I achieve successful product photography?

A: To achieve successful product photography, focus on showcasing the product in the best possible way, paying attention to details, lighting, and composition.

Q: What is the difference between photography and videography in product shoots?

A: Photography involves capturing still images of products, while videography includes creating videos to showcase products in action or demonstrate their features.